last update: 2021-07-14

R Syntax


R as a passive-aggressive butler

What you will learn


  • Setting up a script: best practice
  • Math operators
  • Logical (Boolean) operators
  • a note about base R versus Tidyverse
  • Practice exercises

Using the Bootcamp


To get the most out of the Bootcamp, work through the instructions while using R and RStudio as you go along

First script


## HEADER ####
## Who: <YOUR NAME>
## What: 1.1 R syntax basics
## Last edited: <DATE TODAY in yyyy-mm-dd format)

## CONTENTS ####
## 1.1.1 Example script, help, pseudocode  
## 1.1.2 Math operators  
## 1.1.3 Logical Boolean operators  
## 1.1.4 Regarding base R and the Tidyverse   
## 1.1.5 Practice exercises  

Type it yourself




Each Bootcamp page has Exercises

One question is always write your own question

Share questions you have written

categorize them Easy, Medium, or Hard