last updated: 2022-04-26
Increase in sensors, increase in available data
Statistical methods and software
So-called spatial data
subtleties, but basically geolocated, x and y coordinates
CRS (Coordinate Reference System[s])
Statistical properties
Spatial data has a lot of data points, so power
is large even for tiny effect sizes
, thus the Null is always rejected (even if practically meaningless)
Spatial data points near each other are almost never independent
, violating the common assumption that they are (a/k/a spatial autocorrelation
Ecological properties
Low ‘ecological resolution’
High ‘data resolution’
Complex relationships
(next slide shows Soil moisture, Veg reflectance, Yield…)
Geostatistical data x-y point data with a continuous measure (like soil moisture). Extrapolation between measured points is a goal.
Areal data points or polygons representing a uniform unit of measure (like the crop planted within a field boundary)
Point pattern data what is the spatial pattern (like whether pest outbreaks are random or spatially explained by some feature)
Spatial component (x-y)
Attribute component (something measured or classified)
Scale and sample size (for measuring earthworms, is 1m or 1000m better to sample?)
Vectore data versus Raster data
Ex: dataset 1 yellow billed cuckoo habitat
What spatial featured are associated with presence in this species?
Ex: dataset 1 yellow billed cuckoo habitat
What spatial featured are associated with presence in this species?